Woodland Baby Milk Bath Photography – Dallas TX

When nature and babies come together, the result is pure bliss.  I always enjoy infusing my sessions with a bit of mother natures whimsy.  For these baby milk bath photos, we combined the ever so popular milk bath with a touch of woodland baby.  Overall, this baby boy had a blast and we captured some amazing woodland baby milk bath photos to forever look back on.  Check out this magical baby milk bath photography session!

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Baby Boy Blues- Newborn Boy Photography Ideas

Newborn Boy Photography Ideas

I have been telling my mom-to be’s that there is something in the water.  I must have had ten baby boys to every one newborn girl this year.  It’s difficult to imagine that one day those sweet little cheeks and baby feet will be bigger than us one day.  These boys only stay little for so long before they are up and swinging from the ceiling fans. This newborn boy photography session was a special one.

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