I want to ensure you and your family are in good hands and as always the upmost care and safety measures are taken into account before each session. Please take a moment to read the guidelines below to learn more.
- All props, sets and equipment are ALWAYS sanitized with Force of Nature. A non-chemical, hospital grade disinfectant. This will be used on top of the regular steam cleaning as well as sanitation cycle for all props and cloth sets
- Hand sanitizer used throughout the entire session and upon entry
- I will be wearing a face mask to handle your baby throughout the session
- Only immediate family members allowed until further notice.
- All seating areas and studio usage are sanitized after every appointment
- I ask that you limit visitor interactions until after your scheduled appointment takes place
- Please cancel your appointment within 24hrs if you are experiencing any of these symptoms: Fever, cough, dizziness, lack of taste/smell, fatigue(not from lack of sleep).
I will be scheduling a limited number of sessions each week to allow for cleaning and sanitation. All policies and scheduling is subject to change.
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